Saturday, September 10, 2011

This Can't be Good...

I'm pretty sure my child is possessed. Owen has been on an evil streak the last couple of days and I'm not sure where it came from. We'll blame it on teething, I guess.

Let me tell you about yesterday.

Owen was incredibly clingy yesterday. That's really no big deal, though, and I know it had a lot to do with teething. After holding him for hours with him yanking on my hair and grabbing my lips I finally just needed a break, so I stuck him in the playpen. He freaked. We're talking screaming, fake coughing... the whole nine yards. I was desperate, so I handed him the remote.

That calmed him down almost immediately and gave me a few minutes to just sit on the couch without being assaulted by my giant 8-month-old.

This calm lasted for about 5 minutes before he chucked the remote over the side of the playpen. The kid got some distance on it, too.

Resume freaking out.

I picked him up and decided he probably needed a diaper change. Well, we did that and he seemed like he had calmed back down. I figured that was what his problem was, so I stuck him back in the playpen so I could run to the bathroom.

When I came back, he was standing in the playpen smiling at me. Awesome. I won!

When I got a little bit closer to him, I saw it... Bare baby butt.

He took his diaper off.

I guess I should be glad that it was a clean one at least, but I do not think this new trick is entertaining. He, on the other hand, was incredibly proud of himself.

Fast-forward to my husband getting home. I told him all about the screaming... and the remote... and the diaper. He thought it was funny.

While he was busy laughing, he leaned down to give Owen a kiss and Owen conked him in the head with the toy he was holding. "See," I said, "he's evil."

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